Saturday, July 19, 2008

Feeding Time!

Just came back from hospital's ICU to feed Isabelle. She's doing well! Daddy & mummy manage to feed & burp her.

Quick summary: she's feeding well (now about 65ml per feed, every 3hourly), so SG & Karen are going down twice a day to feed her. Lost a bit of weight (about 200g). And she has about 3 more days of antibiotics left. Then another blood test. If the bacteria/virus is gone, then she can come home!! Praying, praying, praying..


INK said...

CONGRATS!!!!!!! Don't worry, babies are really tough and hardy! Isabelle will be a-ok in no time. :D

Anonymous said...

She is sooooooooooo cute!!!!!!!!!!
God's angels are watching over her.