Sunday, July 23, 2006

Blessed Is the Man

Blessed Is the Man….

who has loving church friends as neighbours.

SG’s birthday is round the corner. And beside a nice pair of crocs shoes (which is the ‘in’ thing now) from Karen, he received a very touching gift too.

You see, Karen decided to cook for SG.  And she went lots of trouble to get the lamb, special ingredients, etc.  After spending some time labouring in the kitchen on Sunday afternoon to come up with some very tasty food, we could sit down to enjoy a good, lovely meal. Then….

Then, the door bell rang!

And guess what, a surprise present from Mingfeng & Lynette!! It was a delicious tiramisu made by Lynette. Such a nice gesture. Hey, who says having great church friends got no benefits? yummy ..

But the thing that really touches SG heart is the thought. And it reminds him of the church in Acts and that in the book “In His Steps”.  When people shared & really display love to one another.

who has brothers willing to bare their hearts out.

Last Friday night after Care Group (or cell group), the guys hang out at the suggestion of Andrew. We drove to Mt Faber and boy it was crowded. Lots of cars. The food is so so. The view is good. But even better is the conversations.

Seldom do we had chances just to sit down together & chat. To catch up on married lives, joy, struggles and issues potentially we will face.

Really excited that we sort of explored the possibly of bring Wilson’s dad to Lighthouse for healing. Not only can we help to expose the rest of the family to His love, we can also eagerly await for miracles to happen. Andrew also shared his experience of going there for his healing. It’s a process of building up one’s faith so that healing can really come. I now await eagerly for the time we will go…