Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Lunar New Year

On the 3rd day, we invited some friends over in the afternoon. Good time to chit-chat and catch up.

The exciting part came in the late afternoon, when most had left. Tze Hau & Huizhen stayed to chat, from BGR to many other stuff. Very good to be open and have a great heart-to-heart talk.

And the most interesting thing was when we decided to visit their place in Toa Payoh. Very nice place. Did not take many photos as we became busy cooking food in the freezer! We ended up experimenting with apples & mushrooms for a special soup (tasted quite good). Here are some photos of a great 4 course meal!!

Speacial of the Day - Apple, Mushrooms & veg soup!

Main meat dish - steamed fish

Huizhen's mum special

4 course dinner

Hot off the pot!

3 hungry souls

Actually, the most enjoyable part wasn't the food (though it was nice & healthy) but the company. Yes, good company, easy-going-fun-cooking together add more taste than the best seasoning in the world!

Bon Appetite!!

Friday, February 16, 2007

4 Questions

SG attended a course at MBI recently on Marketplan Theology. One key learning point is the following 4 questions:

1) What do you at your work?
2) What are the issues you face at work?
3) How did your faith make a difference on how you grapple with these issue?
4) How can I pray for you?

If we ask ourselves the same questions about family, ministry, health & other areas in life, won't it help us to gain a better vision of "what on earth are we here for?" & the next steps?

Vision is always accompanied by strong emotion, and the clearer the vision, the stronger the emotion.
~ Andy Stanley, Pastor of North Point Community Church, Atlanta, USA ~

Saturday, February 10, 2007

New York Trip Jan 07

SG went to the Big Apple in the Jan. 'cos it's the onset of a very cold spell, there is not many places to visit.

Here are the photos ->>

Really like the one in Central Park (which is empty, barrne & lack of activities due to cold weather) of a couple walking. That's the sort of marriage we want, isn't it?? =)