Saturday, October 28, 2006


The story goes that Karen was picking up keyboard again. So SG bought her a Yamaha keyboard from Yahoo Auction for her birthday present. Then, Evelyn also got a new one for Joel. And Junming (aka Tiger) was also learning. The idea of having a jamming session, to play & have fun was floated!

Last Sat, our very first jamming session was held!! Yeahhhh....

Lots of fun. Here are some photos....

And an interesting toy from Bangkok from Priscilla. Think it's some form of plastic toy with liquid in it. You threw on the floor and it looks like a squashed tomato, but after a few seconds, will 'recover' back to a tomato.

And nice desserts from Karen, who learns it from her friend in her Nestle. Milo jelly!! Yummyy.... Very new dessert. SG also cooked his fav ginko nuts & barley (not in photo though)...

1 comment:

Prisca said...

>SG & Karen: Thanks for the invite to jam over at your place! Thanks also for the wonderful milo jelly & barley with gingko nuts! We're spoilt rotten! Heee.... enjoyed myself and look forward to the next session! =)